Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Why Do I Need A College Degree?

“I don’t think I’ll go to college.” How many times have we heard that line in TV shows and movies? Countless. But if parents can afford sending their students to colleges or universities, they do. Statistics show that those who pursue further studies after high school are more successful in the real world.

Most companies hire potential employees who have college diplomas. If they come from Ivy League universities, the better. They know there are some applicants who may not have the same education as those of the Harvard and Princeton graduates yet possess street skills. They are also hired, as long as they have certificates from colleges or an associate degree.

That is the exact reason why people are finding ways to afford colleges. Parents are already saving up while their children are still young. They apply for trust funds and education plans.

Unfortunately, some parents can't afford colleges. There are those who aspire to step into a college or a university, thus they make it happen themselves. They are working students.

There are also men and women in their mid 30s or 40s attending night classes to get a diploma or certificate. They know that this piece of paper is crucial in the professional world. It will give them an edge when they apply for a certain positon in a big company.

There is a demand for higher education. Whether it be from a private college, public university, vocational institution or community college, as long as the student has the papers showing that he pursued further studies, a business establishment is more interested with his potential.

“Why do I need a college degree?” This is the question most high school students ask. This question is often answered by the fact that men and women who went to college or obtained an education similar to it (associate degrees, night school, online degree, college or state campuses) earn more money than a high school graduate.

Imagine this. One year of college already empowers the individual to cash in more money each year than a person who completed all four years of high school.

So if you are thinking of pursuing a career, you must already save up for the future. Colleges take up a whole lot of preparation. If you have parents who can cash you on with this plan then you are lucky.

If not but you are determined, start handing out your resume to part time opportunities now. It’s an investment worth taking for a better future.

Career Guidance Tests Determine Your College Major

In high school, everyone is taught the same lessons in the same subjects. This is General Information. However, when a senior steps out of the high school establishment and into college, he has to have a major.

Major is the course of learning a college student concentrates on. Clearly, there are tons of majors to choose from. A human being has so many interests and so many dreams and aspirations that it is difficult to choose which major is the appropriate one.

There are college students who have already decided what they will be taking the very minute they apply to universities or colleges. They already have this image in their head that they will be businessmen, lawyers, doctors. Thus they sign up for pre-management, pre-law and pre-medicine courses. But there are those who are still at a loss.

Some high schools provide career guidance programs which assist the students toward the right path. Assessment quizzes like this result to the main interest of the students that can assist him in deciding which major is perfect for him.

In the college degree tests, the taker (student) is presented with questions about his ideal work environment, personality (the one that most people see and the side that only you know), work habits, enjoyment, interests and aspirations. The answers to these questions pretty much serve as the canvas on the major the taker is most suitable for.

There are also online exams that can help the student figure out which major is right for him. All he has to do is google it and search engine will show various results. Most of the time, these are accurate because it is the student’s fingers doing all the clicking.

The main difference about college and high school is that you can at least control which classes to take. Your major determines the classes included in your curriculum. Let’s say that you love books so you opted to be a Literature major. You can’t wait to attend those classes discussing literary greats like William Shakespeare and Thomas Hardy. Unlike high school, there is no need to browse during periods because you will never find the subject matter boring.

Try figuring out your major. From there, you can work on deciding which college or university to attend. Choose one that is good in that major. Ask people about it. Like Harvard is really good in Government subjects. If you are pursuing a law degree and you feel you have a good shot getting accepted anyway, get an application form.

Don't be afraid to take risks. It’s the only way you will really know for sure what is out there.

A Crucial Decision: Selecting a College State University

ne of the important decisions you make once you’ve become an adult is selecting your college or university. This can determine your future. A good college or university can mean doors of opportunity when employment beckons.

The college or university of your choice greatly affects practically every area of your life. This determines your future job. It can also determine who you will end up with. Who knows, you might bag a college sweetheart at this phase of your life.

Seriously, this is a stressful decision you have to make but someone has to make it. You can ask the opinion of others (parents, friends, relatives) but in the end, it is your call.

Different schools mean different kinds of people. Some schools offer activities that others don't have. College is the time where you can develop independence. You can also get to know yourself more here.

Now, if only there was a way for you to predict what your life will be if you choose college A or college B. But going back to reality, you just have to decide carefully and cross your fingers.

Sometimes, it isn't the state university determining what kind of life you will lead. You make your own life. Whichever college state university you choose to attend, you have to make the most out of each opportunity presented to you.

You need to have a plan. Some write it down so they can clearly see their goals in flat out on the table and in front of them. The list must include your priorities in college.

But don't feel bound to this plan. Plans change. If that happens, at least you have a route. You will not get lost. Use your plan as a guide to whichever route you have to take if there happens to be a fork on the road eventually,

If the time comes for you to make your final decision, read the colleges brochures thoroughly and repeatedly. If you already have a dream college and you still don't have an application kit, you can request for it by sending them a letter.

Keep your options open. There may be some schools that don’t interest you in the first place but have a look at their brochures anyway. There might be something about that school that can ignite a passion.

Apply to as many colleges and universities that you can. In the end, the one that is most appropriate for you will accept you.

How to Solve Your Dilemma on College and College Degree Selection

Deciding to go to college and finish a degree is a life-defining move. You must agree that the choices you make in this stage of your life will most definitely affect your career path and your future in general.

Since this is so, be sure to read these tips in choosing the best college degree:

1.First, you must know what your skills are, academically speaking, that is. Are you mathematically-inclined? Or are you much better in the languages and science? You see, it would be a nightmare for you to take up law when you are much more interested in, say, writing.
2.If you can, sign up for internships so that you can get a 'feel' of the work environment in each college major option that you have.
3.Aside from your skills, choose a course that offers flexibility when you start job-hunting. Is this course that you're deciding to take up gonna require more training before you are hired?

Now that you have some degrees in mind, the next level is to choose the college that you will attend. Here are, again, some tips in choosing the best colleges that would offer your chosen field:

1.First, be certain if you would rather attend a college near your home or one that would take you miles away from family.
2.Consider if you would want a big and famous university or a small and private campus. Your personality would dictate this. If you are the type that likes crowds, then go for the university that offers it all. If you are more of an introvert, then, by all means, go for the college with less population.
3.If you are sports-oriented, be sure to check out campuses that offer gyms or outdoor fields that can support sports of your choice. If you are more of a computer geek, there are colleges that offer a much subdued environment that is conducive to learning.
4.If you belong to a different denomination, as much as you can , look for a university that supports your belief or, at least, respects it. For example, Mormons have the Brigham Young University which was founded by people that share their belief.
5.The next thing to consider is your budget. There are several public and private colleges in the country. By rule, private colleges are much more expensive than the public ones but that doesn't mean that they provide a less quality in education. Just be able to scout for the right public school.

These tips are just here as guidelines. What matters most is still YOU. What does your heart dictate and crave?

Strategies that Will Prepare You for Your SATs

You see it in the movies and TV shows. High school students get the jitters when the SATs are nearing. You wonder why these statistics can make or break your future. Well, judging from those who took them before, it actually can.

SAT predicts how you will fare in college. Most Ivy League universities look at your SAT scores and base their decision from there. Will they accept you as a freshman in their institution or not? Are your mediocre SAT scores enough?

Though there are some people who think the SAT is a pointless exam. To them, it only shows how familiar you are with general information which you have learned in high school.

For the same reason, don't regard SAT as an IQ exam. Getting a high SAT score doesn't necessarily mean that you are a genius, neither does a low score say that you are a ditz.

In fact, the SAT helps you prepare for an important exam. The SAT is on your academic records forever, not to show universities, colleges or business institutions how brainy you are. Instead, it shows how disciplined you are.

The SAT is an exam most high school students must prepare for. It’s just like a big game for any athlete. They have to train weeks before the actual competition. With the SAT, students must review general topics they took up in their high school years and refresh their memory with these.

Of course, how you perform on these exams can also determine your knowledge level. That is why Ivy League universities hold high regard on those figures.

Here are some strategies you can do when you are taking the SATs:

1. Read a bunch of good books – from classic to the contemporary.
2. Pay closer attention in your math subjects.
3. Read the dictionary when you get the free time.
4. Refresh your algebra and trigonometry
5. Try to get a bunch of SAT reviewers and time yourself as you take the exam at home.

Remember that half of the SAT exam is to test your vocabulary and the other half is to see how good you are with numbers. Get those pocket dictionaries. They are an easy read but they are jam-packed with vocabs you might need on the day itself.

As brain-wrecking as Algebra and Geometry are, you have to be patient in reviewing these. Refresh your numeric knowledge with math exercises. This will hone your calculation skills.

Practice what you have learned. Practice makes perfect. Most importantly, when the day comes, relax and concentrate.

The Thing You Need to Look for in an Online College Degree

The online college degrees have gained popularity to most of the busy people who don't have enough time to travel to a regular college or university to study. This is because they can also study in the comfort of their home through the internet. There are some statistics that prove that online colleges are very popular and in demand nowadays.

The enrollment for online schools grew 33 percent every year and the number of schools that are offering online degrees is continuously growing. This statistic is according to the International Data Corporation.

Eight percent of the 16.5 million of under graduates in the school year 1999 to 2000 were enrolled in a program of distant education. 605 students of that group used the internet in doing so. This information is based on the National Center for Educational Statistics.

As you can see, based on these two statistics, the online education is gradually and consistently growing which is becoming almost a necessity for those who want a solution for multi tasking. They want to do the things that they are obliged to do such as taking care of the kids, running a business and at the same time studying online. Who wouldn't want to be able to study without home?

Before you start applying for an online college, there are some things that you need to check first. First is that you make sure that the institution that you will be enrolling is a certified accredited college. All legal college or universities have their own accrediting agencies. Accreditation has its various purposes like ensuring the students that they are receiving quality services with the best curriculum.

Don't be fooled that all online colleges are expensive. They may cost more that the usual college or university but you can still save more by taking enough time in searching for the best school with low tuition fees. You can consult the department of education for some of the best colleges who offers the most inexpensive fees. Search the internet and compare prices also.

Last thing you need to consider is that you ensure that you have the freedom to choose when you will take the lectures. It should be you who will dictate the time you are free to take the lessons because this is the reason why you are paying them in the first place.

After ensuring all these three guidelines, you are now ready to apply for an online college degree.

Get to Know the Professors

Professors guide the student’s learning. You may meet various kinds of professors wherein he or she may be strict, lenient, fun and so on. Getting to know your professor is also important for a better learning experience.

As a student, you should cultivate your relationship to the members of the faculty. There will be instances that you may need to talk to your professors. Don't hesitate to approach them and ask questions. Besides, they will also be glad to get to know you and building a student-teacher relationship will improve your student life experience in many ways.

One advantage of knowing your professors is you can better understand the coursework. There are times that you will have trouble in understanding the lessons discussed. You may ask for clarifications and further teaching from your professor after the class or during spare time. By doing this, you will clearly understand the whole lesson and do well in your academic grades.

Professors also motivate the students. Even if you are in the top of your class, a good motivation will help you push to do even better. They can inspire you to dream the things that you thought were impossible to achieve.

Of course, let's not forget the advantage of getting higher grades not because of favoritism or the likes. You will have the opportunity to attain higher grades because of the pre-consultations that you are having with your professors. In line with this, you will still have the time to correct all the flaws that your professor saw in your paper before turning it in to him. With frequent consultation, you will gain an idea on the preferred style of your professor.

Once you finished your degree, you will of course need a good recommendation from your professors. These letters of recommendations are needed when you want to apply for a job, internships or the likes. Of course, they will write a good recommendation for you if they know that you are one of the best.

Other than writing recommendation letters is that they can even endorse you to a professional community. Your professors also know other people who work for different professions. If you are fortunate enough to excel in a certain field wherein they know someone who is looking for a fresh one, expect that your professor might help you in getting yourself hired by that company.

Your professor can also be your mentor in the end. Even if you aren't his student anymore, he can still be there to teach and guide you as you go along your path.

How to Know if an Online College is Accredited?

There are numerous online colleges nowadays. This is to cater busy people who don't have the time to travel to school in order to study. This is an advantage for busy moms, people with businesses and the likes.

Many colleges online are now certified to be accredited but before we go further on the details of accreditation, let us first define what accreditation is. Accreditation is the review and evaluation of academic programs in a certain school. The reason for accrediting schools is because it ensures the quality of teaching and educational curriculum to the students. So basically, accreditation is for the student’s sakes.

Nowadays, online colleges aren't just accredited by one agency but rather some of them have numerous accrediting agencies. There are numerous accrediting agencies for online colleges and some of these are: International Accreditation Agency for Online Universities (IAAOU), Board of Online Universities (BOUA), New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSACS), World Online Education Accrediting Commission (WOEA), and Universal Council for Online Education Accreditation (UCOEA).

The accreditation for online colleges is really important for various reasons. If you are a student of an accredited online college, you can be rest assured that you are enrolled in an institution that meets the standard of criteria in academics. There are even times that the said institution will exceed in the required standards that an institution must have. Accreditation is also important in order for your school to be acknowledged by other schools or institutions, professional organizations and employers as well.

An accrediting agency has board of members wherein their main job is to thoroughly evaluate the integrity, quality and as well as over all performance of the said online school, college or institution. They all undergo the same process of reviewing the said school in terms of the administration, the college’s mission and as well as vision, platforms on education, policies, associated services for students and even financial status.

These things are the minimum requirements in order for them to give an accreditation grade. Once a school passes the said accreditation it doesn't mean that it will stop from there. The review and evaluation will be done on a regular basis such as annually. This is to ensure that the said school gives continues quality service.

So the next time you plan to enroll in an online college, be sure that the school that you will be applying is accredited.

How to Maximize Your College-Student Life for a Better Future Career

College life means freedom for most students. This the time where they will be away from home which in turn also means no spies, no curfews and the likes. College life isn't just for fun only. There are a lot of things on which you can do while in college.

Being productive is very important. College students aren't just bound to studying or going to parties every night. College life also comes with great responsibilities because college is in preparation for your future career.

So how can you maximize your student life without living a dull life? It's all about time management. You need to learn how to effectively organize and manage your time in order to be productive and at the same time have fun.

Joining organizations is a good start. There are numerous organizations in which you can choose from. Choose something that you are really good at like for example if you have a talent for dancing, then you can join the dance club. Let your talents be developed and exposed.

Through these organizations, you have the opportunity to unleash the talents within you and at the same time have fun. Your school life isn't just limited to the classrooms.

Attending seminars is also another thing that you need to consider. Every college degree has its own seminars. You can try attending them and broaden your knowledge with new things that the books and some of your professors may not be teaching you. This can also add points to your resume.

Volunteering is also good. If you have a lot of spare time, try volunteering for some institutions in which you can use the things that you learned while still in the classrooms. You aren't just practicing your skills but you are also doing a fulfilling job which is to be of service to the people.

Engaging in part time businesses is also beneficial for students who don't have extra money. By doing this, you aren't just helping yourself but you are also helping your parents at the same time.

All these things are just some of the productive ways in which you can make yourself useful in preparation for your future career. It doesn't require a lot of your time in doing this so including this in your daily agenda isn't such a bad thing to do after all.

How Do You Know If You Can Survive a Four Year Degree

Before you graduate high school, you may ponder on things that you want to be in the future so that you will know exactly what course in college you want to take. There are times that you are influenced by your friends, family and even your idols on the career path you want to choose. The question here is how to know if you will survive the whole 4-years in college?

Entering college is a tough choice. You are bound to make a decision which will lead to your future career path in the end. Being caught in a dilemma is not something new. There are times that we want things to happen but then we need to make a final decision on which is the best for us.

In order for someone to survive a four year degree in college, he or she should choose the right path first. If you are having a dilemma on which is the right college course for you, try answering this questions with a simple yes or no.

* Do you really want the course?
* Are you sure that you would have fun taking the course with no pressure at all?

* Is it you who decided to take this course?
* Is this course what you want to do for the rest of your life?

If your answer to these questions is yes, then you are off to a good start in ensuring yourself that you will last and survive the four year degree. It is very important for you make the decision and not let others decide for you.

Most often the reason why college students shift to another course or sometimes stop studying is because they don't like the course. Most of them are either forced by their parents to take it or didn't have enough time to really think about it. If you are well decided that you really want to take the course, then there’s no reason for you to be in doubt.

Your dream of becoming someone someday will also help a lot in choosing the right course or degree. This will help you inspire to do better in order to succeed in the near future. Give time for yourself when deciding what you really want because if your sure that you really want the course you enrolled yourself in to, you are also very sure that you will survive the 4-year degree.

The Profession for Caring: How Do You Know if a Nursing Degree is Best for You

If you’re considering pursuing a nursing degree in college, it’s important for you to know beforehand the various factors that will affect your chances of graduating with the said degree and getting the job you want. Take the time to explore these factors and consider what its impacts are on your life before making this monumental decision.

Contrary to popular opinion, a nursing degree isn’t universal. It can be divided into various levels and vary according to the requirements and type of education provided.

Licensed Practical or Vocational Nurse – This is the most basic of all nursing degrees and requires only 1 year for completion. Nurses of this ilk will simply provide general care to patients. Studies have revealed that overall demand for such nurses is predicted to go down.

Registered Nurse – You have several academic paths to choose from if you desire to obtain the necessary qualifications for this job. You may choose to take a four year course in this particular field of study, a vocational course offered by any accredited healthcare institution, or study for an associate degree in the same field. Be aware that you may also be required to take other tests before you can get your license.

Similar to pursuing a medical degree albeit to a lesser extent, you will have to put in long hours during and after obtaining a nursing degree. You will be mostly studying what future doctors are also studying because nurses are expected to act as emergency doctors as well. You will also have to expect to be on call 24/7 even if it’s your birthday or Christmas.

Nurses are the first point of contact between the hospital staff and the patient. As such, they are mostly the first to get lashed out on when patients are having trouble coping with their conditions. Nurses however are expected to take this in stride because it’s their job to care for their patients. Also, nurses, like doctors, will be exposed to the absence of mercy of death once in a while. If you don’t believe you can handle this, then you might not be suitable to having a nursing degree.

To end on a better note, however, if you believe that you have what it takes to become a nurse then you should be happy to know that the financial benefits associated with your chosen degree are very much rewarding!

Signs that an Associate Degree is Best for You

An Associate Degree is an academic degree obtained from junior colleges, community colleges and bachelor’s degree-granting universities and colleges when a two-year study has been completed.

The common abbreviations of an associate degree are AA (Associate of Arts), AAS (Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Arts and Sciences), ABA (Associate of Business Administration), AGS (Associate of General Studies), AS (Associate of Science), AOS (Associate of Occupational Studies) and AAT (Associate of Arts in Teaching).

An associate degree is credited as the freshman and sophomore level of a four-year university or college. It may be the lowest in postsecondary academic degrees in the United States but it is still equivalent to an education.

Associate degrees are given to students who have completed their education in a broad based secondary programs that requires them to at least have two years of full-time study.

It is normal for students to take up an associate degree on a part-time basis. This is the best way to accommodate students who are also working. A majority of community colleges in the United States offer associate degree programs in the evenings and on weekends. They even have an online programs.

Those obtaining associate degrees are equating the number of students who are pursuing Master’s degrees and post-graduate degrees such as Law.

Here are the advantages of signing up for an associate degree:

1. Lower costs.

2. If you have a day job, you can register for evening classes. Choose the location that is most convenient for you.

3. You can fix your schedule in such a way that will allow you to attend your classes and do your priorities (work) at the same time.

4. Associate degrees are for students who can't afford living on campus for four years. These are also for students who can't afford a four-year education. Like community colleges, campuses offering associate degrees are targeted to students’ local needs, not national needs.

5. There is an “open enrollment” policy which lets anyone plan a goal for their college education. This gives students with mediocre grades in high school the benefit of a college education or something equivalent.

6. Tuition fees for associate degrees are significantly lower compared to those of the private or public institutions with the traditional four-year educations. That is why students who come from low-income families or working students opt for associate degrees. Add to the fact that they also accept educational grants and scholarships.

So if you can benefit from the reasons stated above, ask yourself why you should spend thousands of dollars when an associate degree can provide you the same thing at a lower cost?

Counting the Factors: How to Know if an Accounting Degree is Best for You

An accounting degree doesn’t require you to put your life on the line in order to rescue other people’s lives like a policeman. An accounting degree doesn’t require you to rely on your physical appearance to put food on the table like supermodels and actors. But an accounting degree does require you to have the following factors if you wish to become successful in your chosen career:

Ethical – An accounting degree will give you a future where your ethics are put on the test. The love for money is the root of all evil, indeed, and it’s your job to ensure that nobody gets away from having too much love for dollars, yens, or whatever currency. Of course, you have to make sure that you don’t get tempted to play hooky as well.

Analytical – An accounting degree requires you to have strong analytical skills and hone them to perfection. That’s because in the financial world, nothing you see is real. Everything has to be validated and verified and if you don’t think you’re up to performing intense problem-solving skills at all times then an accounting degree may not be the right choice for you.

Love for Numbers – Accounting frequently deals with math. While you certainly don’t have to be a whiz in trigonometry or logarithms, you do have to be proficient in arithmetic and with an innate love and understanding for solving mathematical problems. There is no gray area for this. You either love it or you don’t and if it’s the latter, then once again, pursuing an accounting degree may not be the right step for you.

Strong Communication Skills – Contrary to popular opinion, accounting degree graduates aren't all mumbling four-eyed individuals who can only speak algebra and nothing else. If that’s the case, then every corporation in this nation would probably have a field day getting away with all the financial tricks they can think of. An accounting degree will require you to be able to effectively communicate the problems you have identified and the solutions you deem practical to implement.

When people question your judgment, it’s important that you be able to defend your stand competently and convincingly or risk losing your clients.

An accounting degree doesn’t necessarily require you to be an accountant in the future. It can simply be used to provide you with the knowledge and understanding of how financial matters are processed and how money can be represented and misrepresented in various ways.

The Calling for Being on Call 24/7 – How Do You Know if a Medical Degree is Best for You

No one, not even Dr. Patch Adams, will tell you that getting into medical school and consequently becoming a doctor is easy. In fact, most people would say that pursuing a medical degree is one of the toughest goals you can set for yourself. Choosing to get a medical degree isn't a joke because your job requires people to place their lives in your hands.

Steps Before and After a Medical Degree
People aspiring to become a doctor will first have to take a pre-med course which can be any science degree. Upon graduation, you will then have to spend four years at medical school. Afterwards, you will then be required to spend an additional three to six years of residency in a specified hospital. The length of your residency will depend on which area of medicine you wish to excel.

Characteristics that Will Help You Cope with the Demands of a Medical Degree
If you have the following characteristics, you’ll have better chances than the smartest student in your class in graduating with a medical degree.

First you need to have a genuine interest in learning. The quest for knowledge should be your passion. Discoveries are the backbone of science, and if you don’t have a thirst for knowledge, you’ll never succeed in pursuing a medical degree, much less become a good doctor.

Second you need to be reasonably intelligent and with a particular inclination for medicinal knowledge. Reality and not discrimination is the one stopping students who aren't academically inclined from pursuing a medical degree. Healing the various diseases in the world requires you to have an innate understanding of the complexities of the human body, and you can’t expect this from a person who can’t and isn’t willing to study continuously.

Third you need to be mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically prepared for the real-life horrors that a medical degree will expose you to. If you can’t handle seeing a patient die even with your best efforts then you definitely have a problem.

Lastly, pursuing a medical degree must also be founded in a deep-seated desire to help or heal others. This is what’s going to help you overcome the various challenges thrown your way. Even if your brain is telling you that what you’re aiming for is impossible, your heart will be urging you to move on, and in many cases in the real world, that’s how doctors perform what seems to be miracles in the emergency room.

Your Future at Stake: How Do You Know if a Law Degree is Best for You?

A person needs a law degree in order to become a lawyer, but a person with a law degree doesn’t have to be a lawyer if he doesn’t want to. It’s important to make that distinction because it will enable you to accurately determine if a law degree is best for you.

5 Questions to Ask and Know if a Law Degree is Best for You

This series of questions is directed to helping you understand the motivations behind your choice. You definitely need a law degree if you wish to become a lawyer, but don’t stop asking questions after that. Ask yourself why you wish to be a lawyer as well.

Is it only because of the expected financial benefits? If so then you definitely have to think twice about the matter because financial incentives are never enough to make a person happy with his job.

Are you aware of what you’re getting into? Becoming a lawyer will first require you to have a pre-law degree which can be virtually anything although it would be ideal to choose something that will be related to the particular field of law you wish to excel at. After that, you’ll have to undergo three years of law school. And lastly, you’ll have to take the bar exams before you can officially become a lawyer.

Getting into and staying in law school is very expensive. Because of its rigorous demands on a student’s time and efforts, some people might find it difficult to balance study and work if they wish to continue working while pursuing their law degree. If you need your job but unable to cope with working and studying at the same time then having a law degree may not be the best choice…for now.

Contrary to what most people expect, having a law degree isn't always about getting into debates and having the quickest mouth or the best quip. Most of the time, pursuing a law degree is all about time-consuming research and analysis of complex situations. Indeed, 90% battles are won on paper and without requiring a lawyer to say a word. If you don’t think you’ll be happy about staying in the office for long hours reading seemingly redundant material then you just might not be suitable after all for a law degree.

How Do You Know if a Computer Degree is Best for You?

The invention of microchips and processors has led to the invention of the computer. These machines that once occupied an entire room are now compact enabling the user to put everything on a table or carry it around in a bag.

Studies show that more than 80% of all US households have computers. Although the existing software on the market is very useful, many experts believe that there is still room for improvement, which is why many colleges are still offering computer degrees to aspiring students.

The question is, does the student have what it takes to graduate with a computer degree? There are many programs that the person will have to learn. Those who are patient and are creative have some of the qualities, which will determine if this is right for the course.

Another sign will be how well one performs with the existing software on the computer. Some people are able to put up a website without any problems. Doing a task with ease means the student won’t have a hard time when dealing with other complex applications.

Schools that offer computer degrees may specialize either in the software or the hardware. Being able to assemble the computer unit from scratch by buying all the parts and assembling could be another indication that the individual may become a software or hardware engineer in the future.

The efforts shown by the student with regards to computers will surely be noticed by others around. Parents who have a hard time may ask the kid for help and are thankful that the son or daughter is able to fix it. Friends who need help with the homework will also be grateful given the person’s talent.

The praise the student gets from friends, family members or even teachers that offer basic training of computers in school will help reinforce one’s determination to pursue a computer degree in college.

After being accepted, the individual should maximize the next four years to learn everything there is to know about computers. The student will probably choose a field of specialization and then apply to the many companies in the hopes of getting a high paying job.

When all of this happens, the student can look back and say that it was a wise decision to pursue this as the chosen career.

How Do You Know if a Business Degree is Best for You?

There are more than 500 college and universities spread across the United States. Some specialize in medicine while others focus on business. Those who love to tinker around with new ideas and make lots of money are probably the ones who will excel in the careers with a business degree.

But is a business degree for everybody? The answer is no. This is because there are students who don’t do well with numbers or aren't that creative. If the person is one of those lucky few, this is one good indication.

Another sign will be how well one acted as a child. Some kids have sold lemonade during the summer to earn a few bucks. If the ideas brought about by the individual helped it do better than other competitors, this shows that the student has certain qualities such as aggressiveness and persistence that will be useful in the corporate world.

The next indicator will be how others rate the student. Everyone has a certain perception of the self. This could come from family members, teachers, students and the guidance counselor. If others feel the same way, this reinforces the person’s commitment of pursuing a business degree.

Getting good feedback from peers is just half the battle. The student has to prove one’s worth through the grades that will be reflected in the report card. This document as well as the scores on the SAT are just some of the things colleges will look at to determine if this youngster should be accepted or not.

Some colleges don’t focus on the numbers but rely more on the interview as the deciding factor. Being able to explain why the person deserves to go to this school instead of giving the slot to someone else will score a few extra points.

When the student is accepted, the challenging task will be seen in the next four years. Some students shift courses in the first or second year of college. The individual may do the same thing or choose to stay on the path.

Those who survive 4 more grueling years in college and are able to land a job after and do well in it can proudly say that the business degree was the right choice for the student. If things don’t work out, it isn't too late to try something new because life teaches everyone a lesson or two.

High School Counseling Is Designed TO Help Students Choose College Degrees

Every child has thought of the future while growing up. Someone who are just 10 years old or even younger dream of becoming a doctor or a pilot.

In the next few years, some of those dreams will become a reality while others will just have to pursue other fields. The make or break scenario will happen in high school since the young are studying general subjects without any focus yet on a particular field.

Studies show that many Americans don’t take the next step of going to college. Though the cost of education is quite expensive, another underlying reason is the fact that many don’t have any idea what to specialize in.

If this is the case, perhaps talking to someone about career counseling can help. The specialist will have a casual conversation with the student and then take it from there.

High school counseling isn't just for those who don’t know what to pursue in college. These specialists can also guide someone who is interested in many things but is unsure on what to focus on.

This is done by reviewing proficiency exams and the student’s academic record in the hopes that this will help in the decision making process.

If the parents aren't happy with the chosen career, the senior can also seek advice from the specialist in the hopes that those in the family will respect and understand the decision.

Once the school year begins, the student should schedule an appointment with the high school counselor. This is because deciding on a career is a serious matter and it is impossible to make a decision overnight.

When the course has been decided, this is the time the person should get application forms from the various schools. There are thousands of students every year who apply to college but most will only accept less than 500.

The score on the SAT’s and the previous academic scores will score a few points. The interview phase will be another. The high school counselor can even coach the student in answering these questions so that the admissions officer will see how determined the individual is wanting to enter this particular college over the others.

Some students may find it easy to decide on a chosen career while others don’t. If the person has a problem, it wouldn’t hurt to talk to someone who is more mature.

Financial Aid Options in College

A college education isn't cheap. The least your parents can do for you is save up for your college education when you were younger. But some aren't as fortunate. If they really want to pursue higher education, they become working students.

If you really want something, you can figure out ways how to get it. If you want a college education but don't have the money, you can figure out ways you can get the cash.

There so many college saving options out there. Here are a couple of examples.

1. Ready-made savings
These make saving for a college education so easy. These programs let you save the money for your college via a state-sponsored account that promises investments. Withdrawals and earnings from these programs are tax free and you can use the funds that you saved at any university or college but within your state.

2. Prepaid Tuition Programs
These programs let you look at the tuition fees of the colleges and universities in your state, upon the time that you are enrolled. The earnings guarantee the state that you get the best education you pay for. These prepaid tuition programs are like scholarships because they deduct the financial need. The funds are transferred from a private institution to the public or out-of-state school. What you do is you pay for the difference of the prepaid tuition price and the current fee of the school you are enrolled in.

3. Savings Account
Reputed to be the most popular because it is the most reliable and credible of all financial aid programs. Here, families can put as much money as they can for a beneficiary and they will be able to use it up tax free to pay for the college fee. These funds can also be paid for elementary or secondary levels. This is a student asset that can be deducted from the financial aid.

4. Roth IRA
Here, you can withdraw your savings and pay for college costs without paying the income tax or the withdrawal penalty which is 10% of what you originally put in. This is an investment earning that is made available for those who are subject to paying income tax regularly. At least, in this investment, you get back more of what you paid for.

For your own peace of mind, you can calculate your college savings by trying out college savings calculator that can be uploaded online.

Comparing Colleges and Universities

When we’re shopping for a particular product, we always want the best for our money. The same goes for college or universities. In fact, this is a very crucial decision because it can pretty much dictate your future.

Some consider the ranking of the colleges and universities. They believe that the higher college grading the university has in terms of education, the better job they can get when they head out into the real world.

This holds true sometimes. Why do you think your smart classmates want to go to Ivy League schools such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford and Brown? Why do you think the athletes all have Notre Dame as their dream university?

Be it sports or educations, Americans are attracted to the ranking of the university. Every parent wants their child to go to the best university or college out there. They also consider the status of the institution when it comes to sports. Sometimes, a parent prefers that his child go to the same university or school he attended.

There are so many factors involved when it comes to choosing universities and college. There is also the crucial part of looking at the expenses. Colleges and universities aren’t cheap. That is why parents save up for their children’s educational plan even when the latter are still toddlers.

Some students who really want to go and pursue further education don't kill the dream by becoming working students. This lets them pay their tuition fee and earn their keep in the academe.

Comparing colleges and universities is normal when considering college education. Ranking is crucial and this information has been provided to interested enrollees. The higher the ranking, the more validity the college has.

But nowadays, a number of universities are questioning the methods on how the rankings are done.

Crucial and sensitive a topic this may be, comparing colleges continues to be a heated debate. In fact, if you search for the ranking of universities and colleges in the United States, there will always be a discrepancy on how credible and reliable the source.

So if you yourself are considering where to go and pursue higher learning, the best person you can truly rely on is yourself. Go for the best university or college that has the top credential in offering the major you want to concentrate on. Consider the tuition fee as well as your access to where it is located.

There are so many colleges and universities to choose from, so make sure that your final choice is where your heart and your head are.

Going Double Major on College Courses

Only you know your full potential. If you feel that you can handle a double major, then go for it. After all, having a double major gives you a better chance in the real world when applying for jobs. However, it comes with consequences.

If you are easily intimidated by additional effort and more pressure, then turn back now before signing up for another major. Having a double major means you are concentrating on two courses. This is not a minor, take note.

A minor is like an asset that comes with a major concentration. This is entirely different from a double major. You are required to perform well in two courses.

If your mind is made up and you want to have two courses, then do the following:

1. Read. In your freshman year, try to read up on the courses available in your school or university. Ask around as well. Some higher classmen may say that these two courses can be both majored and are easier to do so, but this is their opinion. Always remember that for them it might be easy but it might not be like that for you.

There are some schools and universities that have rules against courses overlapping one another. A double major, for them, must be at least closely connected. They are thinking of the student. At least if the majors are somehow associated then the student won't be killing himself.

You must know whether your school will allow you to combine these courses or not. For example, will the university or school let you combine a BA degree with a BS degree? Yes, it has been done before, but this can be confusing so it is suggested that you consult with the department heads.

For your own benefit, select majors that go well together. If your university or college allows taking double majors that are entirely different (like Physics and Art History), this may even take you an additional year or maybe even two.

Preserve your sanity by choosing majors that go well together. Compare their curriculum and the subject matter tackled. You should also look at the terms these required classes are offered. The more different the curriculum, the longer it will be for you to finish.

Finally, by opting for a double major, you are fully aware that so many sacrifices have to be made. Pursuing two concentrations equals to spending more time hitting the books and less in sports or TV, even.

Just make sure that you can handle it before you talk to your department head.

What If You Based Your Choice on the College Degrees with the Highest Salaries

There are times when you simply have to set aside personal aspirations in favor of the most financially advantageous choice. If that’s what you should do as well with regard to your future college degree, here are several options for you to consider:

Occupation: Dentist
Average Salary: $110,000
Academic Requirement: Graduate degree
If you’re looking for a college degree that promises excellent financial incentives, commence your search by considering a degree in dentistry. Although you’ll have to obtain a graduate degree as well, your future salary will easily make all your hard work worth it.

If you don’t find the idea of becoming a tooth doctor particularly desirable, you can also consider any other medical degree as these lead to high-paying jobs as well.

Occupation: Chemical Engineer
Average Salary: $46,900
Academic Requirement: At least a 4-year college degree
Although the term chemical engineering is certainly intimidating, if you’ve a natural aptitude for science and math, a keen desire to learn, and willingness to exert mental effort in pursuit of a college degree, you definitely have what it takes to become a chemical engineer.

If, however, you don’t find being a chemical engineer likeable, you can also consider becoming an industrial engineer as well.

Occupation: Nurse
Average Salary: $32,927
Academic Requirement: 4-year college degree
If you’re good at caring people then you should seriously consider obtaining a college degree in nursing. Nursing jobs are also expected to increase in demand and salary in the future so you don’t have to worry about the difficulties of finding a job upon graduation.

Occupation: Psychologist
Average Salary: $37,800
Academic Requirement: At least a 4-year college degree
Are you good at helping others with their problems? Are you good at listening to others? Has your intuition proven to be reliable in various circumstances? If so, then you definitely have a future in psychology. The great thing about this particular degree is that all you need is a keen understanding of human behavior and emotions – and not its physiology!

Occupation: Anything related to computer science
Average Salary: $45,700
Academic requirement: 4-year college degree
If you’ve always been fond of all things computer, then rejoice because you don’t have to sacrifice personal aspirations in search of financial rewards. And since there are no signs of the Information Age leaving us any time soon, you’ll surely have a longstanding career to look forward to that will only pay better than ever.

Those are of course not your only choices for choosing a college degree that promises future financial stability so do take the time to explore your options well because it’s truly your future happiness and comfort at stake.

Fund Your Dreams: Getting a College Degree is Still Possible through Scholarship Application

If you have limited or completely inadequate resources to make it to college, don’t give up on your dreams just yet! There’s still a chance for you to get a college degree, but only if you’re willing to take your chances on a scholarship application.

Types of Scholarships Available for Aspiring College Degree Holders
Academic Proficiency – If you’ve had straight A’s throughout high school, you definitely have great chances of having your scholarship application approved. Your chances can be further be improved if you have a high intelligence quotient and excellent results on the SAT.

Proficiency in Sport, Music, or Arts – Are you extremely good at playing a particular sport or musical instrument? Are you good in writing, drawing, or even cooking? If you have exceptional talent but without the necessary means to obtain your desired college degree, many organizations will be willing to fund your way through college in exchange of bringing honor to their school.

Financially Challenged – Of course, you don’t always have to be smart or excellent in sports. If you’re just an ordinary individual with unfortunately strained finances, that’s enough reason for many organizations to help you out, just as long as you prove to them first that you deserve a shot in college.

Minority – If you belong to a particular minority, you should look for organizations which focus on providing aid to people of your race.

Religion – There are many religious sects or charities backed by organized religions which offer financial aid – or college scholarships – in your case simply by virtue of your religion by choice.

How to Improve Your Chances of Getting Your College Scholarship Application Approved
It’s been mentioned and excellence in academics or any particular field or skill will improve your chances of getting your college scholarship application approved. You can however make your chances of success even better by considering the following factors as well.

Leadership – The ability to lead is a quality that’s desired by all schools, so if you’ve ample proof of using such skills in high school, make sure that you include this in your application requirements.

Work Experience – It’s never easy to juggle school and work together, and if you still managed to obtain fairly decent grades together with steady employment then your scholarship committee will definitely be impressed.

Community Service – Lastly, if you’ve been involved with any charitable or non-profitable organization, make sure that you provide details about this as well because scholarship committees prefer to help people who also care about helping others.

The Effects of Having a College Degree on Salaries

In rare cases, not having a college degree won't have a considerable impact on your future prospects and billionaire Bill Gates is perhaps the most cited example for this. But if Bill Gates himself is acknowledging the importance of education in our lives, then maybe there’s a stronger link between college degrees and salaries than what we think.

How Salary Will Be Affected by Having a College Degree
According to the US Department Labor, all 7 jobs that are expected to enjoy an increased demand require individuals to be college graduates. These jobs include those in the teaching and healthcare professions, jobs which generally don’t accept any exceptions to the rule. You either have a college degree or you don’t, and if you don’t have one, you’ll probably find it difficult to get the job you want.

In times of economic crises, having a college degree becomes all the more important. With so many people desperate to look for a job and willing to become underemployed just to put food on the table, employers will naturally have the privilege to choose the best of the field – and who do you think they’ll choose between a college degree holder or a college undergraduate?

Even when supply is greater than demand in the job market, college degree holders still have the upper hand because they can rightly demand the salary they wish. While non-college graduates are forced to accept entry level salaries because of their lack of diploma, college-degree graduates can easily ask for the rates they deserve because they can just as easily prove that they’re worth it upon being hired. It’s what they studied for, after all!

Why People Are Willing to Pay More for College Degree Holders
Necessity Speaks – No one can be licensed as a doctor unless he has been able to acquire the appropriate medical degree and has passed the board exams for doctors. In such cases, the law itself mandates people to hire only college degree holders, and since not everyone has the capabilities of finishing a medical or law degree, they’re naturally paid more for their hard work.

No Training Required – College degree holders in the field of tourism have been pre-trained on how to handle all sorts of problems regarding their job. As such, employers won’t have to spend time and money on training them. In exchange, however, they’ll be paying these higher wages instead.

If you wish to have a better future, it’s never too late to finish your college degree, so go ahead and seize your destiny!

College Degree Requirements

Someone once said that “knowledge is power.” This, in the workforce, can mean that to be able to get a better paying job, the employee has to be qualified to be in that position which can only be achieved by going to college.

Studies have shown that the hourly wage of a college graduate is more than double to someone who never attended. So, before the student leaves high school, it will be a good idea to get the necessary requirements and earn that degree.

The first requirement is a high school diploma. This means the student should complete all the necessary requirements in order to graduate with the rest of the batch.

Even before high school is over, the Board of Education requires students to take the SAT’s or the student aptitude exam. This serves as a general entrance exam for every college in the country. There is a passing score however each institution has the right to set a standard before anyone is accepted.

Students also have to fill out the application form in order for it to be processed. One of the most important items to fill out is the major that the person would like to pursue in. Applicants are given a few options so that if the slot in the first has been filled, there is still a chance that one could make it in another course.

The student will not be able to give the full transcript of records until the 12th grade since school has not yet ended. This is the reason colleges and universities will be reviewing the grades from the 8th to the 11th grade. When these documents are in order, they must be submitted together to the admission’s office before the specified deadline.

Not all colleges and universities in the United States or in some other parts of the world will look at the academic records as basis for accepting a student. Some require the applicants to write an essay and even have a formal interview with the admissions officer.

The statements made by the student could mean the difference between being accepted or not. It will be a good idea to think about the subject to be written or even rehearse the answers to give a lasting impression.

When all of these requirements have been met, the student will just have to wait for a few months before receiving a letter in the mail. The letter could say that the person has been accepted or the application has been rejected.

College Criminal Justice Degree

Surely, everyone has heard of comic book characters like Batman and Superman. These individuals regardless of superhuman strength or not believe in one thing and that is justice for all.

It is no wonder that children who are brought up right want to serve the community by joining the ranks of those in law enforcement. Some will join the local police force while those who want to fight it in the courts should first go to college and get a degree in criminal justice.

What does it take to become a lawyer? Before anyone can get a criminal justice degree, the student must first graduate from high school. After graduating, this is the time that the individual should submit the necessary requirements .

These normally include averaging a certain GPA in high school, getting a good score on the SAT and passing the entrance exam for law school. Some institutions require the student to write an essay and even undergo an interview before being accepted.

The most important thing to graduating with a degree in criminal justice is for each student to understand the law. There are many things, which the ordinary citizen is not aware of and these tools will come in useful when handling a case.

One way students can learn more about the system is by reading previous cases. Such arguments are still being used in courts today because they serve as a precedent for future cases. Some classes even perform mock trials to see if the verdict could have went the under way.

While still in college, some students may even have the privilege of helping out in actual cases. The individual could serve as a researcher for the lawyer who is representing the client

There are various programs for anyone who wants to pursue a college degree in criminal justice. It is possible to shift to another field later on to become more adverse with how criminals operate and hopefully put these people behind bars.

After four years in college, the only thing standing in the way of that degree is the BAR exams. Those who pass will become full fledged lawyers and may now work for the government. Many criminal lawyers start in the district attorney’s office representing the government in various cases.

There are also other branches in the government that need people who graduated with a degree in criminal justice. These are the law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, ATF, DEA and even the Department of Homeland Security.

Paving the Path to Your Future: Tips on Choosing a College Major

Although many young adults take their time in choosing their respective majors in college, if you wish to make the most out of college – and your time – it’s best that you be able to choose a major while you’re still in the midst of applying for college.

What is a College Major?
A college major is basically a choice you’ve made as to what particular field of study you wish to excel at and consequently use as a basis for your future career. A college major may be based on a particular subject (English Literature), a profession (Law), or a theme (Diplomatic Studies).

Benefits of Choosing a College Major Early
Enrolling Only What You Need – It’s only during freshmen year that students of all courses have the same subjects. After that, many of their subjects will deviate according to their chosen degree. If you switch from psychology to literature, it’s possible that some of the subjects you’ve taken won’t be credited for the new one.

Graduate on Time – People battling with uncertainty regarding their college majors may take more than four years to graduate simply because they had to shift courses in the middle of the term. If, however, you know what you want early on then you’ll definitely graduate on schedule!

Tips on Choosing a College Major
The following factors should be considered when choosing a college major:
Knowledge – Back in high school, which subjects were you good at? Which subjects were you most interested in?

Skills and Abilities – Do you have any particular skill that you’re interested in developing further? It can be anything between playing the piano, writing stories, baking pastries, or creating computer programs.

Hobbies and Interests – What are they? What are you most passionate about in life? Have you always been fascinated with how the ecosystem works? Are you an avid birdwatcher? Are you eager to explore new places?

Personality – While the previous factors can help you determine which college majors you should consider, assessment of your personality will further narrow the field by evaluating your suitability to the college major you’ve chosen. Are you comfortable talking with strangers? If not, then you may not be suitable to taking any degree related to the hospitality business. Are you fond of learning? Do you get easily impatient?

Motivation and Aspirations – Lastly, ask yourself what you want to be in the future. How do you see yourself ten years from now, and what do you think you should do in order to make your vision come true?

Consider all these factors carefully and you’ll soon discover what college major you’re destined to take.

The Proper Way to Checkout Brochures to Learn More about Schools

If you don’t know what to look for, not even the most detailed school brochure can help you make an informed decision as to where you should enroll your child or where you should suggest him to enroll if he’s of age.

Courses or Curriculum – What type of education is the school providing for its students? Is it individualized or student-centered or does it encourage friendly competitiveness among its students? If it’s a college brochure, what are the courses offered and what type of curriculum does it have? Does it allow its students to take as many electives as it wishes?

Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff – The brochure must provide detailed information about its teaching and non-teaching staff. Firstly, it must state the general credentials of its teachers. What are their hiring requirements for their professors? As for the non-teaching staff, how can parents be sure that these people are also trained to work well with students?

Student Body – What kind of peers should your child expect to see if and when he enrolls in their school? A smartly planned brochure will provide a brief description as to what type of student body they have – if the majority of their students, for instance, are Hispano-Americans, exclusively female, or mostly coming from middle-class families. You have to know this in order to determine if your child will be able to adjust easily to his new school.

Policies – Most brochures will also briefly discuss which major policies they expect their students to follow. This includes but is not limited to the dress code – if they have uniforms or not, observance of religious customs if the school is run by a particular religious sect, and so forth.

Application Details – Nearing the last part of the brochure, you’ll commonly find a section exclusively dedicated to providing details about the application procedure. This is where you’ll learn about the requirements and the testing schedules.

Tuition – Last but not the least is the tuition fee that the school’s charging. Not all brochures however will provide you with the exact rates they’ll be charging their students. If the brochure you have with you doesn’t provide any information about this, you may have no choice but to personally contact the school.

A brochure will rarely give you the complete picture of a school, but it can however tell you if enrolling in a particular school is an extremely good – or bad – idea. For the best results, use the brochure to come up with more detailed questions to ascertain if a particular school is ideal for your child.

The Future Depends on How Good You Are at Checking out the School’s Reputation

If you think the reputation of a school is the least of your concerns, think again. If you haven’t been to a job interview yet, do be aware that an employer won't only be interested in asking you whether or not you have a college degree but also where you’ve gotten your degree. And you should know that they won’t ask such a question if they’re not interested in hearing the answer.

Factors to Consider When Checking out the School’s Reputation

Fame or Notoriety – When you mention a school’s name, is it instantly recognized or does it inspire blankness and unfamiliarity? If it is recognized, is it for being famous…or notorious? It’s important to know how the general public views your prospective school as well because this can make or break your chances of getting the job you want in the future.

Specialty – Don’t feel despondent right away in the event that you hear mostly bad things about your prospective school. There’s still a way out of your dilemma. The school may, for instance, provide superior quality of education for the course or field of study you’re interested in but provide mediocre education for the rest. If that’s the case then you’ve still made the right choice.

Accreditation – What is the level of accreditation that the school is currently enjoying? As there are various agencies with acknowledged abilities to provide accreditation for schools, it’s also important to determine how the school has been accredited or from which agencies.

Questions to Ask to Evaluate a School’s Reputation

If you are looking for a good college, interview employers or managers and ask them which school’s graduates do they favor and why. Compare the answers you’ve provided and if there are schools that frequently crop up, these should be prioritized over other schools. Going to any of these schools will give you better chances of getting your dream job in the future.

If you are looking for a particular high school for your child to enter to, it’s important that you learn about SAT results for the past five years. Which schools have the most number of students who have made it to the Top 100 or 1000? Again, make sure that you prioritize those that come up as the first five on your list.

Secondly, if you know anyone working in the admission department for any prestigious university, ask them if they have any preference when it comes to accepting students from a particular high school.

As a last tip, it’s important to remember that not everything you’ll hear is true so make sure to verify any information you receive before making a decision.

Shifting Majors: What to do When You Have a Change of Heart

After the long process of admission, you finally got into what you thought would make you happy. Then, eventually, you found yourself in the midst of chaos. You find it difficult to fit in. Your expectations are not met and your enthusiasm goes downhill. Suddenly, you are beginning to be unsure about the major you have chosen. If you have thoughts of changing your college degree major, here are some things that you need to consider.

• Ask yourself whether you should shift to a new major or stay.

Many students, most especially college freshmen, go through a lot of stressful events when dealing with their current school. It may be issues pertaining to academics, relationships, or social interaction. College is a very challenging stage in your life so try to assess first the issues that you need to resolve before considering changing your major. You have to determine whether your major is the main cause of your despair. Consult your advisors. Know if the classes you’ve chosen are too stressful or too easy to incite your interest. Then allow time for you to evaluate your performance and how you are dealing with your major before making the decision.

• Give yourself a good reason to justify your change of heart.

There is no perfect college or a perfect academic program. So if your reason for shifting to another major is a little superficial like not being in good terms with your classmates or avoiding a prerequisite subject. You have to reassess yourself unless of course when your reasons involves easing financial strain or if you discovered you wanted to pursue a whole different career.

Weigh the pros and cons of shifting to a new major. Remember that there is no degree available that is free from any disappointment or struggle.

• Prepare yourself and your credentials before transferring to a new major.

Although there is no right time for changing your major, you have to consider not only your reasons for transferring but also the status of your grades. Shifting to a new major will put you in the same process of applying for a slot in college. So before transferring, be sure that you meet the requirements of the program you want to get into. Study well and get good grades. Build your credentials. Don’t give them the impression that you’re only transferring because you failed in your previous major. Show them that you have what it takes to be successful in the future.

College is a time of many discoveries. If you decided to change your college major, don’t think that you failed. It only means that you have discovered what you truly want to do in life. Follow your heart. Good luck!

Choosing between a BA and BS degree?

You are an incoming freshman considering taking up a major which offers both a BA and BS degree. It’s confusing enough to pick a major in college and when you have finally decided on what to take you are faced with the dilemma of choosing between a BA and a BS degree. Is there really a difference?

Both BA and BS degrees aim to provide an in depth preparation for an academic and professional field. They both provide and adequately equip a student a collegiate level of education in mathematics, science, social sciences, humanities, and communication. Both offer electives to suit the student’s needs.

A Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree is less specialized and usually humanities based. It provides general education in various fields and focuses on the intellectual skills like reasoning, problem solving skills, analysis and right judgment. Its main thrust is not to train a student for a specific profession but to cultivate the student’s capacity to think and learn. Thus, graduates with a BA degree are flexible and can follow broader career paths.

It requires at least 180 units to earn the degree. Thirty-six units are intended for the core subjects and half of which should be at the upper level. The BA degree is generally awarded to graduates who majored in languages, history, literature and other humanities.

Meanwhile, a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree usually comprises the technical fields. It is narrower and specialized. Its focus is on math and sciences, computers and other technologies. It usually doesn't include subjects on foreign language but focuses on quantitative work and data analysis. It is advisable for students who are planning to take careers in research.
It also requires 180 units for the degree. However, more units are required for the major subjects. It is intended to give balance in liberal arts, scientific, and technical education. This is normally given to graduates who have majored in the physical and biological sciences, agriculture, and engineering.

For many majors, there is really no huge difference between a BA and a BS degree. A BA degree is broader and requires less advanced classes. There is more time for electives and it is easier to double-major. On the other hand, a BS degree is more focused and designed for those planning to become professionals like nurses, chemists, etc. It requires higher level courses and gives better research opportunities.

If your major offers two programs leading either to a BA or BS degree. Ask yourself the career you want to pursue in that field. Consult also your school counselor or a college adviser before making the decision.

Find the Best College that Offers the Best Program You Want

A college degree is an invaluable tool to succeed in life. Although some of the most successful people may not have a degree under their name, it still remains to be the surest way to guarantee yourself a better future.

Finding the best college according to your chosen major requires some research. But hopefully, the list below will help you decide where to go.

Top Undergraduate Business Program

Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania may be considered the most prestigious college business program in the US. It is the only business program that belongs in the Ivy League. Most graduates of this college climb the ladder in banks, corporations and consulting firms.

Top General Studies Program

There is no other general studies program in the country that can top what Boston University can offer. The college uses a team approach when teaching their students. Five faculty members from diverse backgrounds team up to strengthen their students’ interdisciplinary studies by having open forums and dialogues with the students.

Top Film and Theater Program

Nestled in the hub of film and theatre production, the University of California in Los Angeles provides the greatest focus to both forms of entertainment. Whether for film, television, or stage, it allows the creativity of the students to flourish and prepares the students to the ground work of all the aspects of production.

Top Interior Design Program

If you are looking for flexibility and stability in the interior design industry, the New York School of Interior Design is for you. It is the largest interior design program found in NY but one that also provides an intimate student faculty ratio to ensure the students’ clear understanding of the theories and concepts of the curriculum.

It allows students to have a traditional college course work and also gives those who are already working to earn their degree in a less unstructured way. But ultimately, NYSID is designed to prepare its students to be licensed and certified interior designers.

Top Philosophy Degree

If you are the type who is constantly searching for the most reasonable answers to life’s perennial questions, then getting a philosophy degree may interest you. The philosophy program of Brown University offers a wide array of concentrations. You can choose a major in philosophy focusing on logic, ethics or metaphysics. By offering more areas, Brown University helps expand the understanding of students about philosophy while allowing them to discover and concentrate on what truly interest them.

Choosing a college or a university involves many factors. One of the most important things that you should consider is the program the school offers in your chosen major. After deciding on what to major in college, try to compare first the programs of different colleges in your list before finally deciding where to go.

Know What to Look For in a College Degree Program

You can’t find all the good things in life stacked on one shelf. When you are looking for the best college degree program you may have to do some research and be faced with a lot of schools. Like any book, one university can't provide you everything that you’re looking for.

There are hundreds of colleges and universities that offer several of the top college degrees today. There are even surveys available to guide you. Depending on what interest you most, you should select a program that will fit your needs and will give you a fulfilling and truly satisfying experience throughout your whole stay in college.

Below are some of the top college degree programs up to date.

• Classical Studies Program

There are many Classical Studies program offered by different colleges and universities across the US. Although you may find it difficult to determine which school offer the best, find a program that relates the ancient world to modern studies. Look also for a program that not only presents a historical account of what happened but one that actually discovers more evidences to illustrate what went on in the ancient world.

• Humanities Degree

Its goal is to better understand the world we live in. Find a humanities program that provides the students a clearer picture of the harsh realities of the different aspects of a man’s life. It should present the histories of various societies through literature, reviews of culture, and other materials that will reflect the truest nature of a society. The objective is to incite the students to device ways to improve the lives of people around the globe.

• Animation Degree

With the high demand for skilled multimedia arts graduates, an animation degree is becoming a popular choice for college applicants. So, when looking for the best animation program, find one that provides one-on-one mentorship. The program should focus on developing skills and must expose the students to advance and sophisticated equipments and newer computer programs. The program must also help the students develop their portfolio and equip the students with not only better skills but more capabilities to become more marketable and flexible once they graduate.

• Game Design Degree

Since the advent of computer games back in the 1980’s, starting from Nintendo, computer programming has evolved and created a more specialized avenue for the burgeoning market of computer games. Thus, it gave birth to a degree in Game Design.

When you are considering taking a career in designing games, find a program that focuses on teaching the most sophisticated and current styles but also on bringing out your creativity to life. Find a college that will provide you with the state of the art technologies and a faculty that can translate their knowledge and skills to you.

The best college degree program for you is out there. You just have to know what you really want and what you truly need to be successful in your chosen career. It isn't enough that you land in an Ivy League school. Choose a college that will provide you with the knowledge and skills you’ll need after graduation.


Preparing Your College Application for a Successful Admission

Getting into college has never been easy. It requires careful planning, tough decision making, and enormous preparation. Without allotting enough time and preparation you can get lost in the frenzy of the forms and list of requirements plus the fees involved before completing your application.

Here is a guide to help smooth your way to college.

•Shorten Your List

While there are students who apply to more than 15 schools and some to just one, a good number is around 5-8 schools. Narrow your selection of colleges. Choose schools where you are 90-100 per cent sure for admission. Also include schools that match the strength of your application. Finally, apply at one or two schools that you are interested in but have less chances of getting accepted.

Narrowing your list will help you focus on the quality of your application and will help you become more efficient. You can save your time, effort, and money by targeting fewer schools

•Get organized

If you want to go to college, it isn't something that you just decide during your senior year. It starts on the electives you have taken and your overall performance during your high school years. In short, everything you have learned in high school is what you need to get into college.

Apart from that, you also need to have a college application calendar and a checklist of the things you need to accomplish at a certain date. Some schools give out a checklist and their school calendar to applicants. They also schedule campus tours.

Coordinate with your school counselor to help you meet the deadlines of your chosen schools. Schedule the exams that you need to take ahead of application deadlines. Provide the people whom you ask to write you letters of recommendation in enough time to complete your request.

Eventually, you need to decide where to go. You have to plan what subjects to take. You also have to deal with housing plans or a part-time job.

Try to determine all the things you need to do and work on a time table. Accomplish what you need to do in a given time and adhere to deadlines and schedules.

•Elements of Your College Application

There are a number of things that you need to submit to where you have applied to. First you need to fill up each college applications. You need to submit your grades, compose your essay application, and pass your grades in the SAT and other tests. You also need to send them a minimum of two letters of recommendation. You may need to show a financial certificate, to get a sponsor or financial aid. These are just some of the common things that colleges require their applicants to submit.

There are no hand-outs in college but if you go through the applications smoothly, most likely you are prepared for what’s in store for you in the next years of your life.

Start Early and Have a Brighter Future with the Help of Your High School Counselor

As early as the first year of high school, students can ask for help from their high school counselors to chart the future for them and assist them in choosing the best college for their personalities and abilities. You can never plan too early for the future and if you or your child has the foresight to desire preparing for the future now, you can start by scheduling an appointment with his or her high school counselor.

7 Ways for a High School Counselor to Help Students Have a Brighter Future

Determining the KSAs of the Student – A high school counselor can only provide adequate help to students if he is given sufficient time and means to get to know the student well. Firstly, a high school counselor will determine the subjects that the student naturally excels at base on results from the student’s IQ tests and his past and present grades. In the event that the student has dismal school records up till the present, a high school counselor will usually focus on these students until they finally uncover their latent skills and abilities.

Customizing the Academic Load – Once the KSAs of a student have been determined, a high school counselor will usually proceed in suggesting changes to the student’s academic load to better prepare him for his future career. If, for instance, a student is mostly interested in having a career in architecture, a high school counselor may enroll the student in advanced math classes and encourage him to join building workshops in school.

The Role of Emotions – One-on-one appointments between students and high school counselors are generally part of every school curriculum to allow high school counselors to gauge the present emotional and psychological conditions of a student. Such interviews will allow the high school counselor to determine if a student’s capability of handling all sorts of pressure, if he’s most suitable to a particular study environment, and other similar factors.

The Role of Family History and Background – Many students experience trouble in determining their future because of family conflicts. In such cases, a high school counselor may act as a mediator in order for parents and children to see eye to eye. A high school counselor, being an adult and a professional, may finally convince parents to truly listen to what their children have to say about their future.

Getting Financial Aid – A high school student may not be born with the required financial resources in order to get into the school he’s aiming for. Some may not even have enough money to get into any college at all. If so, a high school counselor will be able to help these students find the best people or organizations to approach in order to have part or all of their tuition funded.

In these situations, there is a high degree of involvement and interaction between the high school counselor and the student. The high school counselor will usually provide personal assistance in formulating letters of scholarship requests, monitor the grades of the students throughout high school, and give suggestions as to which colleges should they best apply to.

Picking the Right Career – The inability to decide as to which career they wish to pursue in the future must never be seen as a personal defect. High school counselors understand this, and it’s why they always provide the best help possible to students battling with uncertainty about their futures. By taking the time to get to know each student well, a high school counselor will be able to narrow down the career choices for the student until they’re able to zero on something that engages the person’s interest while making the most out of his skills and abilities.

Picking the Right College – Some students know what they want to be in the future but are uncertain as to which academic path to take to best attain their goals. This is another situation in which a high school counselor can assist a student by giving him a list of options to choose from and explaining each alternative to the student. A high school counselor will also encourage students to explore options that they may previously haven’t been aware of having such as long-distance or international study.

You’ll never know what a high school counselor can do for you until you finally talk to one. Schedule an appointment now and start planning early for you or your child.

Selecting a College: Orienting Yourself and Doing Research on the Professorial Staff of Universities

Are you a graduating high school senior? Are you decided on which career path to pursue or in which university to earn the degree?

If your answer is on the affirmative to the above questions, then you are ready to take a plunge and get into the stringent college life.

College is that phase of the academic life of every student when a greater balance between all life aspects are imperative. Thus, the college student must be given all the support and assurances they need so they will be motivated to get on with life.

College students must get a feel that the university they are attending college into isn't just reputable, but is a good place to be in to complete academic requirements.

Since the academe is a truly demanding sector of the society, the professional staff are expected to be as professional as ever, as they are expected to be highly reliable and knowledgeable.

The professorial staff of a university is the bloodline that makes the flow of energy and life going continuously for the university or college. If the professors of a college aren't reputable, unprofessional and dull, then that educational institution isn't expected to produce graduates.

If that is the case, then, even how bright and smart the student may be, all his knowledge and talent would be put to waste if he graduates from a college that isn't reputable enough because of deteriorated and corrupt professorial staff.

Why professors should be reliable

Professors in colleges are considered the facilitators of the education process. They should provide the college students the best examples for handling situations and doing things inside and outside the school premises.

That is the reason why almost all universities have their own by-laws and handbooks that safeguard good reputation and professionalism of professors.

For example, almost all universities prohibit their teaching staff to establish any sort of romantic and intimate relationship with any of the university's students, regardless of gender.

Such cases are the basic problems that hound universities. Since physical and emotional attraction between students and professors are sometimes inevitable, it is expected that the professors practice self-imposed discretion and discipline and would opt to choose righteousness by not establishing any sort of relationship with any of the students.

Student to professor relationships, when exposed to other students and professors, would also undermine the school's reputation and would put under fire the college's overall protective structure to uphold morality and good and wholesome relationship between students and professors.

Professors should be reliable and trustworthy enough so their students will look up to them as role models and as pillars of strength that would help them out during times of dire needs.

Researching on the professorial staff

Starting an independent research on professors' personal and academic background is easy, if you are determined to do so.

There are handbooks and annual school digests that will provide the basic personal and academic information about each professors of the university. If you are doing research on these professorial staff, then you could start by looking at this information.

You could also gather data by asking fellow and former students of the professors over their experiences and perception about the professors. This information will help you create a primary impression of the professorial staff.

Of course, it wouldn't be ideal to jump to conclusions, but at least, you have something to start with when collecting data.

A personal interview or casual talk with the professors would be of great help, though, it is often not advisable and accomplishable since professors are almost always busy and you might catch them in a situation when they are rushing to get things done, or after a long and stressful day.

When that happens, don't expect them to be cordial and accommodating. That would be unfair on the part of the professors.

Check the archives of newspapers and campus digests to review and determine which issues the professors might have gotten to in the past. That would be helpful in establishing the personality of the professors.

Overall, doing a research on the professorial staff of a university wouldn't harm, especially on the part of the student, who is aiming to enroll and earn a college degree from a particular educational institution.

How to Make the Most Out of Your 4-Year College Program (and Enjoy It Too)

No matter what you've heard, college is going to be one of the most unforgettable four-plus years of your life. During this time, you will experience a significant amount of freedom and academic challenges that you probably never had in your high school years. Getting a four-year or more college program will also prepare you for some of the most promising careers after graduation. To make the most of it, here are some of the things you can do.

Pursue your passion
Hopefully, by the time you enter college, you already know what you like. Problem is, that's not always the case. An average person changes careers at least six times in his life, so it's quite normal to change to another college program in the middle of a course. College is the right time for you to 'find yourself' and you have all the opportunities with which to do so.

Strive to do something you've always wanted to do. Sometimes, you have a clear idea what it is, but oftentimes your mind is still a blank slate and plans for the future may be vague. Regardless, a four-year college program will expose you to what you want to do. If it doesn’t, then your overall college experience will. Once you find that one thing you want to pursue as a lifelong passion, you're on your way.

Get a minor or earn a double major
A four-year + college program will take a while to finish and with all the new environment and academic challenges you will be encountering, it's not unusual for you to want to take on an additional course or field of study. If you can handle it, college is the best time for you to expand your knowledge and learn more.

If you're taking a computer degree, why not add a math degree on the side? Or if you're a Literature major, why not take on a foreign language course as well? You not only expand your horizons, you also earn valuable skills that will be an employability asset later on.

Use your time wisely.
Time is an investment and a necessary currency in a four-year college program, so you should learn how to use it to your advantage. Not every class you take needs extra effort on your part. Concentrate the best of your skills on the classes that are truly important to your learning and your credits. For classes that are low on your priority, you don't always have to give it your all.

That is not to say, though that you should slack off, since there's a huge danger your grades will suffer and that won't look good on your academic records. However, paying attention to classes that truly matter will save you time and you can use that extra time doing valuable research, interviews and further studies.

To do this, learn to compartmentalize effort within an allotted time. Determine how much time it will take to finish an assignment and then strive to complete it within the designated period. Say for example, you need 15 hours to finish a 10-page research on comparative literature of two Asian countries, you can divide this time period into smaller units you will spend doing everything necessary to finish your paper: from the research and outlining to the writing and editing. If you can work within the allotted time, you will avoid wasting too much unreasonable effort.

Develop relationships and join clubs
A four-year-course program doesn’t always take four years to finish. Sometimes it can extend to five, six or even seven years. Make the most out of your college program by establishing relationships with professionals who will be able to help you progress in your studies. People like your professors and academic counselors can help you focus on progressing in your work. And, they can even give you much-needed advice in case you want to take up further studies and an after-college career.

Extend your views beyond the classroom
Learning may be had in the campus, but that's just for academics. Know what is out there as well. Do volunteer work related to your field of study or enroll for internships. Summer breaks don't need to be boring or decadent – you can actually spend them to take on extra courses or study abroad.

These activities will give you a taste of what your professional life will be like and let you experience a post-graduate career without actually committing yourself to anything. And there is also that added appeal to future employers when they find these targeted academic moves on your resume.

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