Tuesday, July 24, 2007

How Do You Know if a Business Degree is Best for You?

There are more than 500 college and universities spread across the United States. Some specialize in medicine while others focus on business. Those who love to tinker around with new ideas and make lots of money are probably the ones who will excel in the careers with a business degree.

But is a business degree for everybody? The answer is no. This is because there are students who don’t do well with numbers or aren't that creative. If the person is one of those lucky few, this is one good indication.

Another sign will be how well one acted as a child. Some kids have sold lemonade during the summer to earn a few bucks. If the ideas brought about by the individual helped it do better than other competitors, this shows that the student has certain qualities such as aggressiveness and persistence that will be useful in the corporate world.

The next indicator will be how others rate the student. Everyone has a certain perception of the self. This could come from family members, teachers, students and the guidance counselor. If others feel the same way, this reinforces the person’s commitment of pursuing a business degree.

Getting good feedback from peers is just half the battle. The student has to prove one’s worth through the grades that will be reflected in the report card. This document as well as the scores on the SAT are just some of the things colleges will look at to determine if this youngster should be accepted or not.

Some colleges don’t focus on the numbers but rely more on the interview as the deciding factor. Being able to explain why the person deserves to go to this school instead of giving the slot to someone else will score a few extra points.

When the student is accepted, the challenging task will be seen in the next four years. Some students shift courses in the first or second year of college. The individual may do the same thing or choose to stay on the path.

Those who survive 4 more grueling years in college and are able to land a job after and do well in it can proudly say that the business degree was the right choice for the student. If things don’t work out, it isn't too late to try something new because life teaches everyone a lesson or two.

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