Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Paving the Path to Your Future: Tips on Choosing a College Major

Although many young adults take their time in choosing their respective majors in college, if you wish to make the most out of college – and your time – it’s best that you be able to choose a major while you’re still in the midst of applying for college.

What is a College Major?
A college major is basically a choice you’ve made as to what particular field of study you wish to excel at and consequently use as a basis for your future career. A college major may be based on a particular subject (English Literature), a profession (Law), or a theme (Diplomatic Studies).

Benefits of Choosing a College Major Early
Enrolling Only What You Need – It’s only during freshmen year that students of all courses have the same subjects. After that, many of their subjects will deviate according to their chosen degree. If you switch from psychology to literature, it’s possible that some of the subjects you’ve taken won’t be credited for the new one.

Graduate on Time – People battling with uncertainty regarding their college majors may take more than four years to graduate simply because they had to shift courses in the middle of the term. If, however, you know what you want early on then you’ll definitely graduate on schedule!

Tips on Choosing a College Major
The following factors should be considered when choosing a college major:
Knowledge – Back in high school, which subjects were you good at? Which subjects were you most interested in?

Skills and Abilities – Do you have any particular skill that you’re interested in developing further? It can be anything between playing the piano, writing stories, baking pastries, or creating computer programs.

Hobbies and Interests – What are they? What are you most passionate about in life? Have you always been fascinated with how the ecosystem works? Are you an avid birdwatcher? Are you eager to explore new places?

Personality – While the previous factors can help you determine which college majors you should consider, assessment of your personality will further narrow the field by evaluating your suitability to the college major you’ve chosen. Are you comfortable talking with strangers? If not, then you may not be suitable to taking any degree related to the hospitality business. Are you fond of learning? Do you get easily impatient?

Motivation and Aspirations – Lastly, ask yourself what you want to be in the future. How do you see yourself ten years from now, and what do you think you should do in order to make your vision come true?

Consider all these factors carefully and you’ll soon discover what college major you’re destined to take.

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